❁~Chinese Dishes~中式主菜~❁


上湯鮮竹卷~♥~Steamed Soybean-Sheet-Rolls In Soup

咕嚕肉~❂~ Sweet And Sour Pork (Panasonic NN-SV30『變頻式』烤爐)
東坡肉~✾~Dongpo Pork

鐵鍋餃子雞~✫~Chicken With Dumpling In Le Creuset Pot

富貴白菜~❧~ Braised Chinese Cabbage

電飯煲叉燒 ~❂~Rice Cooker Barbecued Pork

炒薯絲~♠~Fried Potato Thin Slices 中國農村菜的集體回憶

台式滷肉飯拼滷水蛋~☻~Taiwanese Minced Pork Rice with Flavored Egg 正宗台灣式style~

硃紅玉帶環腰~♦~Steamed White Gourd with Crab Sticks & Fried Egg White

東方小丸子~☻~Minced Pork Balls with Glutinous Rice

港式焗豬扒飯~❣❣❣~Hong Kong Style Baked Pork Chop Rice with Tomato Sauce 自家製快餐店名物!

食魚有魚味~♜~Simply Fish

1234567 ‧ 香醋鎮江骨~❀~Vinegar Zhenjiang Ribs

芹菜餃子 加 Panasonic SD-PM105 麵包機 做餃子皮~♤~Chinese Celery Dumpings

滷水墨魚~⁂~Marinated Cuttlefish

Green Monday 齋 ~♦~Vegetarianism

南瓜盅~❀~Steamed Pumpkin Bowl

白酒煮蜆 White Wine Cook With Clams

南瓜焗豬肉片~✯~Pork Wrapped Pumpkins

蟹肉小籠包~❇~Steamed Pork Dumplings With Crab Meat

桂花炒瑤柱~✵~Scrambled Egg With Conpoy

墨魚滑釀雞翼~✬~Cuttlefish stuffed Chicken Wings

茄汁煎蝦碌 ~♫~ Tomato Sauce Fried With Prawns

避風塘炒蟹~✯~Authentic Fried Hot Crab

鹽麴蒸黃花魚~❀~Shio Kouji Steam With Yellow Croaker

廖孖記腐乳炒通菜~✾~Liu Ma Kee Bean Curd Stir Fry Wtih Water Spinach

帶子蒸水蛋~★~ Scallop Steamed With Egg

麻辣雞煲火鍋~♡~Spicy Chicken Pot Hotpot

一口醉鮑魚~❀~ Drunken Abalone

紅燒蝦子海參~✯~ Braised Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe

勝瓜百頁豬肉丸~❤~ Loofah Beancurd Sheets With Meat Ball

節瓜炆排骨~✾~Stuffed Hairy Gourd

魚肚蝦干瑤柱粉絲浸勝瓜~☆~Fish Maw, Dried Shrimps and Vermicelli cooked With Loofah

荷葉鮮蝦蒸糯米飯~✾~Steam Prawns In Lotus Leaf With Glutinous Rice

蝦滑肉碎釀節瓜筒~☻~ Slippery Shrimp Minced Pork Stuffed With Hairy Gourd

豉椒鮮魷炒排骨~☪~Peppers with Squid In Black Bean Sauce

手打魚肉煮蒲瓜~✪~Handcrafted Fish Mince In Lagenaria Sciceraria

菜肉卷~❇~Cabbage Rolls


